Tuesday, February 24, 2009

photographs from the san francisco zoo

today, kim convinced me to skip out on 'work' and meet her over at the san francisco zoo. thanks, kim for calling this morning! so i loaded the girls up and headed to the zoo. i almost didn't bring my camera, thinking kim would probably have hers. but i'm so glad i did. i didn't take a ton of pictures, but i did get a few of my favorite animals... giraffes, zebras, and lions. so enjoy something a little different!


Kimberly Sayre said...

Wow!!! These are sooo great! It was super fun! Let's do it again!!!

Christine said...

wow amy, these are really good! how do you achieve such vibrant colors?

Amy of Oaks and Acorns said...

thanks christine! it's my super secret recipe!

Kiley E Photography said...

those are amazing!!

umami photography said...

Ooo, those are really pretty!